Does your mobile marketing strategy measure up?
Grab your free Mobile Marketing Blueprint.
Your Mobile Marketing
Strategy will measure up in five essential steps.
MomentStorm provides learning, consulting and implementation for mobile marketing strategies that uncover the Invisible Sale.
To change our world through content marketing, we need to distinguish ourselves as the leading educational voices for our industry. No excuses.
If your content marketing isn’t working, you can be 80% sure that the reason is too much focus on awareness content - not enough truly educational content.
What's the Main Challenge in Your Business Right Now?
Developing an Effective Mobile
Marketing Strategy
Discover how educating builds trust
and authority on mobile.
Download our 5 Step Mobile Marketing
That Educates blueprint.
Building In-House Mobile
Marketing Muscle
Rapidly develop mobile expertise and practical skills inside your business.
Audition a free module from the course:
Mobile Marketing That Educates.
In the age of mobile moments
Marketing Must Educate!
Dave Howard Co-founder of MomentStorm Media Inc.
Learning, Consulting and Mobile Marketing Strategy Implementation
In 2015 mobile web use topped 51%, outstripping desktop access by an ever growing margin. In the US, 25% of mobile web users are mobile-only (they rarely use a desktop to access the web).
"The implications are clear - if you're not able to reach your audience through mobile...or you're not providing a satisfactory mobile experience you will miss out compared to competitors who are."
Recent studies have shown that as much as 74% of the path to purchase occurs before a potential customer reaches out to a sales person. It is common practice to search the web for relevant learning resources with the intent of becoming a more educated buyer. Authentic, trustworthy information about industry sector best practices and key considerations in vendor selection.
Video is far and away the most effective way to educate and interact with customers on mobile. Many marketers believe that creating video is expensive and time consuming. Actually there has never been a more flexible or cost effective time to produce video that engages and deliver it to the platforms your customers are using today. All the key marketing communications platforms encourage the delivery of video content to maximize impact and relevance.
Customer engagement is no longer a funnel controlled by your organization. Brand actions are just one of the cogs in a customer engagement engine, and not the most significant one. You no longer control when and how customer engagement occurs particularly on mobile. Today, customers or other actors are just as likely as marketers to initiate brand-related communication. You must move from being a broadcaster to being a listener-responder.
High quality educational content is difficult to create, it requires deep industry knowledge. Often marketing does not control this knowledge and have only infrequent interaction with teams that have this deeper understanding.
This means that marketers need to develop extensive new skill sets while facing budget limitations and the increasing need for speed when developing engaging and valuable content for customers.
Have you fully addressed these 5 essential questions?
Download Our Mobile Marketing Blueprint
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