Are You Locking Your Customers Out?

Provide answers to questions customers are researching about your sector to build trust and authority in your relationship

The Silent Killers

If your online customer engagement strategy is designed to drive prospects into a funnel or require them to interact with your sales team as soon as possible, you are locking the gate before providing true customer value. Business buyers and consumers are increasingly in control of their relationship with you. The gate is silently turning them away and you can not see through it.

Learn how five critical marketing mistakes may be robbing you of the ability to exploit many sales opportunities because they will remain invisible to you. Our free course will show you how to avoid all five mistakes before they seriously damage your business.

Mobile web use is outstripping desktop access year over year by an ever growing margin. Do you have a true mobile first strategy using Video Learning Moments™ to seamlessly provide value to customers where they actually are?

​Forrester Research reports as much as 78% of the path to purchase happens before customers contact a sales rep for information. Your potential customers are researching online right now. What are they learning from you?

​Fully 70% of millennials agreed they can can find a video about anything they want to learn on YouTube. Video reach is growing everywhere from Facebook to Snapchat. Are you using video networks effectively?

​Customer engagement is no longer characterized by a funnel controlled by your sales and marketing. It's time to flip or eliminate your funnel.  Are you ready to build a true customer engagement engine to replace the funnel?

Educating themselves to make a better buying decision is the primary driver of customer research. Are you using proven online learning best practices to build trust and authority for your brand?

According to SmartInsights...
"The implications are clear - if you're not able to reach your audience through mobile...or you're not providing a satisfactory mobile experience you will miss out compared to competitors who are."

MomentStorm Media offers unique educational and development resources for marketers, small business owners and videographers.

  • Begin using proven learning principles as the foundation for marketing with video and long form mobile ads.
  • Build a customer engagement engine to replace your increasingly ineffective sales funnel.
  • Lead your industry with Internet promotions that emphasize mobile friendly video to answer the "I want to know",  "I want to do" and "I want to buy" micro moments questions.
  • Balance finding and learning to use the best tools with strategies that leverage the talents of the right creative professionals to get the job done for you.

We exist because marketers must learn how to radically change the way we interact with customers. The next market leaders are planting trees in whose shade they may never sit, but which will grow into a mighty canopy of effective customer engagement.

Take our free course today and plant the seeds of learning a better way .

Mobile Video Marketing Essentials

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Video Learning Moments™ Marketing with Video Advantage

Learn about the power of Video Learning Moments™ in your marketing strategies! Our online courses, webinars and email learning moments provide the information you need to gain a mobile video for marketing advantage over your competitors. 


At MomentStorm Media we are dedicated to empowering all marketers to quickly and effectively address the self-education interests of their customers. We'll guide you to creating data driven campaigns that demonstrate expertise and build brand admiration and loyalty through Video Learning Moments™.  Win the Micro Moments mobile race!

  • Determine the questions your potential customers are researching
  • Plan quick, high value advertising video to answer those questions, building trust and authority
  • Craft easy to access longer form educational mobile ads using video
  • Provide supplementary learning resources to deepen client knowledge
  • Promote your content to ensure you are easily found when they research